Sudi (Rick) Karatas


Fork Social Media and the Algorithm It Rode in On (Jailbird Stories) through Ingram Spark



Stories collected by the author about those who have been banned and restricted from posting on social media, may times over innocent or harmless posts, because computer algorithms don't understand humor, sarcasm or satire. It takes everything literally. Sudi (Rick) Karatas ended up a "Prisoner in the Social Media Site (starts with an 'F') slammer" when he commented "Stick a fork in him, he's done" meaning the guy's career was over. Karatas was "charged" with "promoting violence" and he was "locked up" for 30 days in "Jail" unable to post. After a couple more "run ins" this book was born.

Thousands of others have also been wrongly accused and punished. Karatas collected stories which include those with the most outlandish and bizarre reasons they were locked up and punished. The funny stories may cause you to bust a gut (not literally, that reference would flag the algorithm). For example, "Bombing the basement for a flea infestation" was considered to be violent by the "Community Standards" bots.

But there's a darker side to this phenomenon. Many small and individual owned businesses make their living either directly through or by using social media, it can in fact bring the entire business to a standstill.

For example, Kelly O'Brien, a legitimate Dolly Parton tribute act, has had her page shut down several times. There is no wat to challenge he bot's random decisions, no humans available, and users are stuck with the decision, despite the real and serious consequences to their livelihoods.

As the author explores these stories, he hopes comedy in the face of serious and often detrimental acts by one of America's business giants can make a difference.

I was born to write, with pen and paper in hand. Writing saved me thousands of dollars on therapy. I get ideas everywhere including in dreams or when I'm half asleep. I never drink coffee so I am always half asleep. I wrote two books recently, one is an entertaining book about my experiences in the catering industry called HOW CATERING SUCKED THE LIFE RIGHT OUT OF ME

The other is a parenting book that deals with stories and advice on speaking to kids about LGBTQ topics called RAINBOW RELATIVES Both available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.



Winner Best Music Video
at Venus On Broadway Film Festival NY 2024

2023 Silicon Beach Film Festival, Los Angeles

2021 WMCT Radio's (TN), Top 30 Most Requested Holiday Songs of the Season.
All I Want For Christmas Is Some Sleep,
Christmas Is My Happy Place
and Midnight Will Be Clear.
White Sand Christmas came in at #31.
All are available on itunesspotify
TRIBUTE SONG FOR OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN - Click to BuyWritten by Sudi (Rick) Karatas sung by Adrian Christian.
Proceeds to go to the Olivia Newton John Foundation

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